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Redwood Consulting,
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London SW1P 1DS.
Redwood Consulting,
49 Greencoat Place,
London SW1P 1DS.
The proposals for Phase 1 of CCS will transform this quarter of the city centre. A summary of the scheme is set out below with further details available on the Coventry City Council website.
Bringing living back to the City Centre

Block B Pedestrian Walkway
991 Homes comprising:
A range of home sizes:
- 145 social rented
- 55 shared ownership
- 454 private tenure
- 337 build to rent
A range of home sizes:
- Studio – 85 homes (9%)
- 1 bed – 357 homes (36%)
- 2 bed – 479 homes (48%)
- 3 bed – 70 homes (7%)
- First homes to be delivered are affordable homes
- All homes have private amenity space and access to a communal garden or roof terrace
- All building designed with two stair cores (inc. 2 firefighting lifts and 2 evacuation lifts)
An active City Centre

View of Pavilion Building from Bull Yard
- A diverse range of new commercial space for shops and leisure activities
- Bringing new brands to the city centre with spaces for:
- Restaurants / Grab & Go
- Fashion / Accessories
- Health and Beauty
- Food shopping
- Independent businesses
Coventry Retail Market

View of Market Square
- At the heart of the scheme
- Key view from Market Square
- New pedestrian friendly public realm on Rover Road
- Dedicated new undercover servicing and deliveries area for Coventry Market traders
- Uncovering the entrances to the Market from the new Market Square so it is front and centre of the space
A green oasis

Landscape Masterplan
- 17,000sqm of public open space
- 6,600sqm of biodiverse roof space
- 204 new trees of a variety of species
- 622 linear metres of hedges
- 6,000sqm of resident’s amenity space
- C.3,500sqm of children’s playspace
- Net Biodiversity Gain: 285%
- Material palette consistent with the Lower Precinct
Reconnecting with the city centre

Hertford Street (north)
- Improved pedestrian access across the site
- New landscaping and level access on Hertford Street
- New route connecting Market Way and Hertford Street
- Pedestrianisation of Rover Road
- Working closely with the VLR Team
- Two cycle docking hire stations
- Over 1,000 residents, visitor and commercial cycle parking spaces
- All servicing and deliveries for residents, commercial and refuse collection away from the public realm
Integrating the old with the new

View of Market Way (south)
- Materials and design informed by buildings within the City Centre
- New Three Tun Pavilion building on Rover Road
- To scale replica of a History of Coventry mural and William Mitchell Panels
- Inclusion of other public art, plaques and signs
- Re-interpreting the line of the City Wall
- Opportunities for new public art through commissions with the City Council
A sustainable future

View of Rover Road from Queen Victoria Road
- Reuse of demolition materials
- Designing buildings for longevity through:
- Fabric First Approach
- High efficiency windows
- Water saving and re-use measures
- Low energy lighting
- Connecting to the EQUANS District Heat Network
- PV panels at roof level
- Over 75% CO2 emission reduction
- Landscaping to promote health and wellbeing
- Sustainable drainage measures
- Promoting cycling and walking with limited car parking spaces
- Four car club spaces
- EV Charging to car parking spaces