Our terms
The information available on this website has been prepared in order to provide information of a general nature only.
We make every effort to ensure the content is accurate, but it is not a comprehensive statement of the law, or of the issues raised and should not be relied upon for that purpose.
In no event will Redwood Consulting on behalf of Shearer Property Group, its Directors, agents or employees be liable for any decisions made or action taken in reliance on the information in this website.
The content of the website may be changed without notice from time to time and access to the website may be withdrawn at any time.
Privacy and usage policy
Redwood Consulting on behalf of Shearer Property Group is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. If you do provide us with your personal information, we will keep it confidential. We will only use this data to provide you with the services requested.
Your comments will be analysed by Redwood Consulting on behalf of Shearer Property Group. Copies might be made available, in due course, to the local planning authority so your comments can be noted. We will, however, request that your personal details are not placed on the public record. Your personal details will be held securely by Redwood Consulting in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, will be used solely in connection with the consultation process and subsequent planning application(s), and, except as noted above, will not be passed to any third parties.
Redwood Consulting on behalf of Shearer Property Group cannot guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the site will be free of infection, viruses, worms or other code that manifest, contaminate or possess destructive qualities, but we do make efforts to minimise the risk of virus.
You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the site.
Material on this website, including all text, logos and images, is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.
No part of this website may be copied, reproduced, transmitted or translated to another language without prior written consent of Redwood Consulting on behalf of Shearer Property Group except for your own personal, non-commercial use.
Some images used on this site are taken from Chapam Taylor and are copyright of their respective owners in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions.
Registration details
Redwood Consulting
49 Greencoat Place,